Julian Carr holds multiple world records for ski cliff drops. He has successfully executed 100+ foot drops over a dozen times and walked away without a scratch. This conversation dives into the fact that he is not an “adrenaline junkie”. His approach is one of being grateful, present and working through fear. By “dissecting fear” Julien has been able to achieve moments of connection with himself and his surroundings that make the impossible – possible.
Widely recognized for the biggest airs in skiing, Julian Carr has been featured in seven Warren Miller films, developing a reputation not only for big airs, but for all around skiing. He’s received a ‘Photo of the Year’ award from Powder Magazine, won the prestigious Sickbird Award on the Freeskiing World Tour, X-Games GOLD Medalist, & he holds two world records in cliff height. Julian serves as an ambassador for Protect Our Winters (POW), Climate Reality Project, & board member of Lands Conservation Foundation. He’s the founder of Discrete Clothing. Most recently, Julian founded a mountain running series, the Cirque Series, which is in its fourth season.
CJ and Cory dive into:
He is the Founder of Discrete Clothing and The Cirque Series
Check out Episode 13 with Jimmy Chin!